About Me

Who am I? Link to heading

I am a Mid-Level (although I do not like these tiers) DevOps Engineer (also do not like this role, DevOps is an way of life not a specific role) that is trying to master Python, Go and develop the most beautiful engineering skills possible.

I am from Portugal and I have a Bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering from ISEP and I am currently undertaking a Masters Degree in Cybersecurity and Systems Administration, also @ ISEP.

What do I do? Link to heading

I work with multiple technology stacks to deliver development changes to multiple environments (CI/CD), as smooth as changes can be. That said, mostly I do scripting, I develop APIs, I put out fires (pun intended since I was a volunteer firefighter) and I run a small homelab to try out cool things.

I work on tools to ease developer’s problems during their work, to prevent catastrophes and minimize the impact of threats and to make life easier in general.

What technologies do I work with? Link to heading

I work with Kubernetes (K8s), Docker and mostly anything that is required of me. If I do not know it, give me one week and I will have answers for you.

I am proficient in BASH, Python (I consider myself a Guru actually), AWS and Azure, Terraform and multiple logging and tracing stacks, such as Grafana+Loki+Prometheus.

What am I currently learning? Link to heading

I am currently improving my guruness in Python (Pydantic, FastAPI, the full stack) and I am learning Go from scratch, since Golang is the way to Go. I am also exploring OPA for deep and complex structured data validation, integration with APIs, etc.

Where do I store my code? Link to heading

I used to use GitLab to host my code for all my projects, alongside multiple thoughts and small scripts, but since the changes in pricing and the support for self-hosted runners, I am mainly using GitHub.

How may I contact you? Link to heading

My contacts are available at the homepage and at my GitHub Page but you can also get a complete resume at RafaelMoreira1180778/resume GitHub repository.